Authentic Guidance Counseling
Brainspotting Session
Service Description
Brainspotting is a relatively newer, cutting edge technique that is believed to tap into the body's natural self-scanning and self healing abilities, based on the notion that where you look affects how you feel. Brainspotting has demonstrated the ability to improve many conditions such as anxiety, phobias, addictions, depression, chronic pain and other medical conditions, performance blocks, and effects of trauma. With support from your therapist, the overwhelming effects of trauma or stress can help be discharged from your system resulting in a calmed nervous system. The latest research indicates that we store trauma and stress in our body. Brainspotting works on finding those storage locations and helping the body to process and discharge them. Brainspotting is done with the client and their eye movement, the therapist, and often a pointer and bilateral music.
Contact Details
+ 720-767-1850